Composer AI Infrastructure


The current deployed applications include the following Composer components:

  • Chat UI with Composer Studio - A PatternFly based web UI designed to allow users to easily create new chat assistants and interact with existing assistants.

  • Conductor Microservice - A Quarkus based API that hosts the various assistants, which can leverage a RAG pattern with a vector database and various LLMs, and acts as a gateway for any chat application.

  • Document Ingestion Pipeline - A pipeline that allows users to ingest documents into a vector database using both Tekton and Data Science Pipelines



Cluster Setup contains all the required infrastructure


If the Cluster GitOps repo was used for cluster setup, then the Composer AI application should be installed by default

Deploy Components

Installing the components directly can be done from the App Of Apps Repository. The install is done through a helm chart located in appOfApps, it has been tested deploying through ArgoCD.